Beth Walters-Storyk

Please visit and explore the artists of Highland, NY

Saturday October 5th and Sunday October 6, 2024

Please join me at my studio at 266A Martin Avenue in Highland. Take a look thru the process and perhaps something will strike your fancy…. They are fresh new bursts of nature; colorful and graceful. Human form that are expressive and graceful. Come visit in person Oil on canvas : Charcoal : Watercolor : prints

When the shadows starting talking to me and I saw their secrets I began to believe I was an artist.

When the color relationships started melding together I began to believe I was an artist.

When the tip of the charcoal and the color dab of a shape felt as they were connecting my eyes to my fingers I began to believe I was an artist.

And when that inner smile of satisfaction eliminated time I began to believe I was an artist.

If I can share a special place, if you feel the flowers growing or the wind blowing or the stretch of a body then I can believe I am an artist.

Now is the time for full circle blending of my passions of color and texture; travel and painting.  My love of textiles and texture is very evident.

Enjoy the Tropics or Tuscany or my dear Mid Hudson Valley. My present medium is oil frequently with unearthed found objects and mixed mediums. I hope you enjoy the story, my story and that it inspires you to create and to travel and to share experiences.

Thank you for letting me share my art forms with you.

Beth Walters Storyk

Exhibit Brochure: just a few details…oils on canvas, charcoal media, I’ve even made some affordable prints of my favorites. Come visit in person!

a few of the pieces that will be on display

Walters- Storyk Design Group, Founding Partner, Technical Interior Design Director  1990-2023

Marketing and Display Director:  Boris Kroll Fabrics; Design Tex Fabrics 1982-1987

Galleries at FIT, Display and Installation Staff  1980-1987

Textile Designer  and Colorist: Cone Mills; Waverly Fabrics 

 Graduate, Fashion Institute of Technology, NYC, AAS Textile Design

Graduate, Fashion Institute of Technology,   BFA Product Design

Graduate of High School of Music and Art, NYC